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Sabtu, 23 Mei 2009

Tianshi Lycopene Tablets

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Lycopene a bright red natural pigment found in tomato. Lycopene is not produced by the body Proven antioxidant. A six year study of 48,000 male health professionals conducted by Harvard Medical School found that consuming tomato products more than twice a week, as opposed to never, was associated with a reduced risk of prostate cancer or up to 34 percent.

Based on health claim guidance provided by the FDA, therisk of prostate cancer may be reduced by eating half toone cup of tomatoes per week. University of North Carolina compared 1,379 American andEuropean men who had suffered a heart attack with thesame number of healthy men found that those with highlevels of lycopene appeared to be protected against thedisease with about half the risk

A study published in the British Journal of Nutrition revealsevidence that increasing your intake of lycopene may helpreduce your risk of stroke and acute coronary events

15% of couples suffer from infertilityA male factor is responsible for the couple infertility in 30% to 50% of the cases, 5% to 10% of males are infertile or sub-fertileRecent studies show that lycopene supplementation improves the quality of sperm in infertile men

We recommend 4 tablets a day to supplement your food
In cases of severe deficiency use 8 tablets a day.

Senin, 11 Mei 2009

Healthy Living

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The cause of the disease:
- Environmental pollution (Indonesia poluted #3 all the world), Radiation (HP, TV, AC, UV), Natural disaster
- Patterns that do not eat healthy (primary cause), artificial Rata Penuhcoloring, preservative, high cholesterol etc.

According to the research:
15% of sick
15% of healthy
70% of health problems

Said perfectly healthy person if:
- Food consumption of healthy,
contain elements Macro: carbohydrate, fat, protein - Agency responds directly
contain elements Micro: Vitamins, minerals: Ca, Fe, Zn - Board respond in time
- Rest enough
- Sports-ordered
- Think positive

Also very human need calcium, calcium needs to work hard / age is 1000 mg / day, based on research, we will be able to meet the needs of calcium (1000 mg / day) if the foods are:
- 2 gallons or susu
- Spinach 23 pounds (11.5 kg) broccoli and 17 pounds (8.5 kg) or
- Other sources: 13 kg of beef, mutton 5 kg, 7 kg of chicken meat, 8 kg of rice

If the calcium needs from food / drink, so big and expensive volume, which is another way that is more simple with Calcium supplements, but not calcium supplements any good for our bodies, if one can select a new cause problems. Therefore, choose a calcium supplement natural and easily absorbed body.
Tianshi is to provide calcium and powerless best high absorption 95%! Does not endanger the heart and kidneys or cause pengapuran. Material is primarily a beef bone marrow extracted with modern biotechnology. Contain complete nutrition that help to balance the body and restoration diseases.

Benefits of Calcium:
- Prevent Osteoporosis / bone pengeroposan
- Menormalkan blood pressure and heart disease mencegagh
- Overcoming complaints sat before the menopause and menstrual
- Overcoming cramps, lumbago, hemorrhoids, rheumatism
- Minimize bone shrinkage during pregnancy and breastfeeding
- Reduce risk of bowel cancer
- Helping mineralisasi teeth and prevent tooth root bleeding
- Overcoming legs, hands, dry and broken in pieces
- Restoring passion sex who decline or weakening
- Overcoming diabetes (the pancreas)

Paradigm of the world:
- Campaigns on the WHO decades mineral / bone years (s / d th 2010)
- Back to nature

Senin, 04 Mei 2009

Sleeping less to make merit Children Weight Loss

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Generally, excess weight or Obesity is caused by excessive eating habits. However, a research proves less sleep can cause excess body weight in children. Research was conducted by researchers from Laval University medical school, Quebec, Canada. They take the data from 422 children from age 5 to 10 years with a high measure, weight and waist circumference. Besides that, they collect data about children's lifestyles and social status through the method of interviews with parents.

Data obtained from the high size, weight and waist circumference, showed 20 percent of boys have excess body weight and 24 percent in girls. Other conclusion is that the risk of childhood Obesity will be higher if the time they sleep less than 10 hours compared with those who slept for 12 hours. "It is ironic, if part of the solution lies in the case Obesity bedtime, which is done by certain people," said one researcher, Angelo Tremblay. But the point is to overcome the light of Obesity in children, is to make the time they get enough sleep.

Best Suplement for childreen : Tiens Children Nutrient High Calcium Powder
