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Senin, 11 Mei 2009

Healthy Living

The cause of the disease:
- Environmental pollution (Indonesia poluted #3 all the world), Radiation (HP, TV, AC, UV), Natural disaster
- Patterns that do not eat healthy (primary cause), artificial Rata Penuhcoloring, preservative, high cholesterol etc.

According to the research:
15% of sick
15% of healthy
70% of health problems

Said perfectly healthy person if:
- Food consumption of healthy,
contain elements Macro: carbohydrate, fat, protein - Agency responds directly
contain elements Micro: Vitamins, minerals: Ca, Fe, Zn - Board respond in time
- Rest enough
- Sports-ordered
- Think positive

Also very human need calcium, calcium needs to work hard / age is 1000 mg / day, based on research, we will be able to meet the needs of calcium (1000 mg / day) if the foods are:
- 2 gallons or susu
- Spinach 23 pounds (11.5 kg) broccoli and 17 pounds (8.5 kg) or
- Other sources: 13 kg of beef, mutton 5 kg, 7 kg of chicken meat, 8 kg of rice

If the calcium needs from food / drink, so big and expensive volume, which is another way that is more simple with Calcium supplements, but not calcium supplements any good for our bodies, if one can select a new cause problems. Therefore, choose a calcium supplement natural and easily absorbed body.
Tianshi is to provide calcium and powerless best high absorption 95%! Does not endanger the heart and kidneys or cause pengapuran. Material is primarily a beef bone marrow extracted with modern biotechnology. Contain complete nutrition that help to balance the body and restoration diseases.

Benefits of Calcium:
- Prevent Osteoporosis / bone pengeroposan
- Menormalkan blood pressure and heart disease mencegagh
- Overcoming complaints sat before the menopause and menstrual
- Overcoming cramps, lumbago, hemorrhoids, rheumatism
- Minimize bone shrinkage during pregnancy and breastfeeding
- Reduce risk of bowel cancer
- Helping mineralisasi teeth and prevent tooth root bleeding
- Overcoming legs, hands, dry and broken in pieces
- Restoring passion sex who decline or weakening
- Overcoming diabetes (the pancreas)

Paradigm of the world:
- Campaigns on the WHO decades mineral / bone years (s / d th 2010)
- Back to nature

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