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Minggu, 16 Agustus 2009

DHA and Ara Optimize Channel Baby Respiratorik

DHA or docosahexaenoic acids during this trust as a part of the brain important for the development of the baby. However, many may not know that DHA also has other benefits for the baby to grow flowers. Together with protein, carbohydrate, and vitamins, is not saturated fatty acid DHA and Ara is a critical foundation in the baby's immune system. In addition, in infants, DHA also appeared to have benefits for respiratory health channel.

According to dr Bambang Supriyanto, Sp A (K), the channel respiratorik a whole will help the body fight infection. "In addition to skin, the breath channel is part of the body's defense," said Chairman of the Children RSUP Cipto Mangunkusumo this. Because defense mechanisms in the baby's not perfect, Bambang suggested that the baby is given the right nutrition, immunization is given as well. Channels respiratory akan create a healthy baby more immune against infection and allergy.

One of the essential nutrition for babies is DHA. "To have optimal benefit, and Ara DHA should be given when appropriate, ie, when a baby aged 0-12 months," said Gregory Finn MD, a child specialist doctor from Saint Louis Children's Hospital, USA, in a press meet on the role of DHA and Ara Health in the respiratory channel in Jakarta, some time ago. A research conducted in 2005 of the 89 infants randomly assigned susu formula with DHA and Ara or susu formula that does not difortifikasi DHA and Ara showed a significant difference in the incidence allergy.

In the infants given the susu fortifikasi channel number incident respiratory infection is 45 percent, while that does not get susu fortifikasi reaches 76 percent, after they were aged 3 years. In addition, the emergence of allergy is also much lower (26 percent), while the baby is not mengonsumsi Ara DHA and reached 55 percent. Research on DHA, also showed that babies get the DHA has the ability and ingenuity that vision better than babies who were given only food without DHA.

DHA from which to get? For the baby, of course, water susu ibu (ASI). Susu formula or baby food which is now added DHA or fig so that quality can have a better approach breastfeeding.
In addition to the DHA, in breastmilk, there are at least 160 types of fatty acid that is not found in the formula that produced the industry, mikronutrien, protein resistance to the body, enzyme, oligosakarida, laktoferin, hormones, and many more.

Therefore, the ASI in enough time on the baby will give a very good effect for their development. That is why breastfeeding mothers must also add nutrient-rich food in the menu daily so that breastfed infants given the quality.

Source : Kompas Online

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