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Selasa, 04 Agustus 2009

A-H1N1 Can be Prevented

Unlike the bird flu is contagious through poultry, A-H1N1 flu is transmitted human relation. Virus is an average of only 5 days only attack and death is relatively low numbers. Resistance is lower body, along with other diseases, and very prone to bird flu infected pigs. "We do not need to worry too, but must remain vigilant. Swine flu can be prevented if our style of living healthy and clean," said Director of Public Health Survailen Epidemologi (Sespim Kesma) Directorate of Disease Control and Healthy Environment (P2PL), Andi Muhadir.

The easiest way to prevent yourself from starting, such as washing hands with soap / antiseptic, close the mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing, using a mask when exposed to flu, and when the flu / fever immediately check to the doctor, clinic, health clinic, or home Nearby sick. "In fact, this is a moment to make a healthy life," said Andi Muhadir.

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