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Sabtu, 12 September 2009

Discouragement Women Having Stroke Risk

For women, be optimistic in life if you do not want to suffer a stroke. A study in the United States say even healthy women, but if you have a sense of excessive despair, it can endanger health. Many research has linked depression with heart disease and the latest research says that a sense of optimism may protect women from deadly diseases like heart. Research conducted by Susan Everson-Rose of the University of Minnesota Medical School is the first to show that frustration causes direct impact of stroke in women.

This research involved 559 women mean age 50 years who had no symptoms of heart disease, including high blood pressure. To measure the level of desperation of women, the research team to ask questions about the future and destiny of each respondent. They also measured levels of depression using a scale of 20 species and take ultrasound pictures of women who were respondents to measure the thickness of their neck arteries.

"What we found is, women who feel hopeless about the future and destiny has a thicker neck arteries or atherosclerosis, which is a cause of stroke and heart attack," called Susan. Women who have a high desperation scale neck arteries 0.02mm thicker than respondents who are optimistic. The difference was significant even after adjusting for heart disease risk factors such as age, income, and depression.

She further said, his team notice a difference between women who feel desperate and depressed. Globally it affects disturbance to sleep patterns, mood and mood changes. Physiological changes occur in women who experience chronic despair. Therefore it should be, she realized that the sense of desperation to risks and physical impact. "If women have such a great feeling, it will potentially cause illness cardiovasculer and they should seek help," he said.

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