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Minggu, 25 Oktober 2009

What Hormones and Migraine Connection?

In terms of health, many of the advantages of being female. But not when talking about headaches, especially migraine. It is estimated that 18 of 100 women aged 12 years and over had at least feel a migraine or a headache that affects one side of the head. In men, this headache attack only 6 percent of the population. Why is this disease attacks women more often? The experts expect it because of hormones.

Many factors cause headaches, both men and women, including genetic factors and age. In women, the main cause is mainly due to hormonal changes. The influence of hormones seen in the fact that most patients experienced migraine attacks at the time before, during, or after the coming months. Migraines are also many suffered by women of childbearing age, and gradually disappears at menopause. The use of contraceptive pills and hormone therapy can also trigger headaches. During pregnancy, usually in order headache attacks decreased.

Mayoclinic sites mentioned in the hormones estrogen and progesterone, which play an important role in the menstrual cycle and pregnancy, affects chemicals in the brain that cause headaches. High levels of estrogen which will cause headaches, while the low estrogen actually exacerbate the pain in his head. Stress factors can also increase the expected frequency of migraine attacks. As for foods that contain tiramin, such as cheese, and feniletamin (in brown) can also stimulate migraine attacks.

Tiens Product best for hormonal : Zinc Capsules

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