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Selasa, 10 November 2009

Too often Fitness, Caused Women Pregnancy Difficult

Your hobbies go to the gym for fitness training? This physical activity is healthy and became one of the most popular choice for most women work. But for you women, be careful, because a study in Norway, said too often exercising in the gym like fitness can reduce your chances of having children. According to the research team, the daily exercises in the gym or activity that triggers high levels of fatigue, three times greater risk of causing interference with fertility.

Although health experts agree that physical exercise is very beneficial for health. But they also belief, physical exercise too much actually spent a lot of energy, which is required for the success of a pregnancy. These findings revealed by the research team from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology is doing research involving 3000 women.

They ask questions to the respondents about the frequency, duration and intensity of exercise carried out between 1984 and 1986. Ten years later, researchers again asked the respondents, this time about their pregnancy problems. "Among all these women, we found two groups who are at increased risk of infertility (infertility). They are doing exercises almost every day and those who exercise to feel really tired. They have the highest risk of infertility," said research leader , Sigridur Lara Gudmundsdottir, revealed its findings.

Even ignoring some factors such as age, weight, marital status and smoking habits, researchers found women who train hard 3 times the risk of impaired fertility.

And the most vulnerable to this risk are young women. They are under the age of 30 years and the most frequent physical exercise, almost a quarter did not get pregnant during their first year of trying, compared with an average pregnancy is about seven percent nationally.

However, Sigridur Lara explained that the negative impact of a fitness routine is not permanent, because the majority of women involved in this research, could also eventually have a child. But is not known whether these women to change their physical activity or because of their hormones improved over time. "Women who exercise hard in the mid-1980s, ultimately having children in the 1990s," he continued.Rata Penuh
For women who want babies, Sigridur She urged them to set up fitness and avoid doing physical exercise too esktrim. "We believe in doing physical exercise with a high level or lower has a negative impact on fertility, while the level of activity was clearly more profitable," he said.

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