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Sabtu, 13 Februari 2010

'VALENTINE'S DAY', When Love Over The Earth

Since centuries, dated February 14 was always celebrated as a day of love. People call it Valentine's Day. With a variety of ways people then try to connect this special day with some affection to the lover or the friends and family. Without the conscious, behind this special day there is a perceived burden of the people at February 14, getting closer. As February 14, the closer, people started to prepare themselves for making this day so special. They do not want this one day of missed just like a typical day and during the short time it started getting a load on his shoulders even heavier. At least that is experienced by the residents of Los Angeles depicted in this film.

There was a soldier who deliberately took leave to return home from duty in Iraq while at the same time Holden Bristow (Bradley Cooper) is also preparing to celebrate Valentine's Day with his gay partner. Reed Bennett (Ashton Kutcher) on the other side wants to take advantage of this special day to apply for his girlfriend, Morley Clarkson (Jessica Alba), but he finally realized that the real Julia Berlison (Jennifer Garner) is the woman he loved for so long. Estelle (Shirley MacLaine), after a long kept secret, finally decided to tell him that years ago he had an affair while Yakksi Kara (Jessica Biel) to Valentine's Day was also getting closer to finding a date.

There are two interesting things from the film is VALENTINE'S DAY. First, because the title was so specific, if the film is still relevant after the date of February 14 later? Second, because so many stars are placed in this film, what does this mean another film production had to stop because almost all the stars had to shoot this film? Apart from that, this movie was not giving anything other than a row of big names who were his supporters. Too much plot in this movie. Films with this concept is interesting. Look at CRASH if you do not believe. The problem is to draw on so many stories with each character is not an easy task. Few have failed then the risk becomes very large. If the script is not strong enough and the screen time the character is not long enough so that people will not be a character that has a dimension intact.

Red thread between each character and each of these plots should also be strong enough so that there is a unified story with the message of the director. If not then the idea will never conveyed. It will be more effective if the film breaks into several romantic comedies, and may be the result even more good will.

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