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Senin, 08 Februari 2010

Softdrink Increase the Risk of Pancreatic Cancer

Stop your habit who like to consume soft drinks to excess, if it does not want to pancreatic cancer. Research says people who consume two or more soft drinks a week, two times greater risk of pancreatic cancer. Researchers found a correlation between sweet drinks with cancer. They believe that the high sugar content in soft drinks can increase insulin levels in the body. That is why they are so more susceptible to this deadly disease.

Dr Mark Pereira, one of the researchers from the University of Minnesota, claiming that people who consume soft drinks regularly, eating patterns tend to have worse overall. "The high level of sugar in soft drinks can increase insulin levels in the body, which we consider to contribute to the growth of pancreatic cancer cells," says Dr Pereira. Although relatively rare, but pancreatic cancer is one of the most deadly disease and only five percent of those diagnosed, can survive up to five years into the future. In a study conducted for 14 years, Dr. Pereira and his colleagues involving approximately 60,524 men and women in the Singapore Chinese Health Study. During that time period, found as many as 140 cases of pancreatic cancer in the participants. Participants who consumed two or more soft drinks per week (an average of five per week), 87 percent increased risk compared with individuals who do not consume soft drinks. But researchers found no association between fruit juice consumption with pancreatic cancer.

Dr Pereira was convinced that the findings published in the journal Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention can also be applicable to all western countries. "Singapore is a prosperous country with health care very well. And also the favorites for eating and shopping, so the findings can be applied in western countries the other," he said.

Meanwhile, from the Yale School of Public Health, Professor Susan Mayne, gave his response about the results of this research. He said the results of this study interesting but has some major limitations that must be considered in any interpretation. "Although this study found the risk, the findings were based on the number of cases is relatively small and still not clear whether it is a causal association or not," said Professor Susan Mayne. "Soft drinks are consumed in Singapore is associated with several adverse health behaviors such as smoking and intake of red meat, which we can not control accurately," he added. Previous studies have linked pancreatic cancer with red meat, especially meat baked or blackened. Pancreatic cancer is one of the most lethal cancers, with 230 thousand cases globally. In the United States, 37,680 people diagnosed with pancreatic cancer within a year and 34,290 people die because of it.

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