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Rabu, 10 Maret 2010

Wulan Guritno

Wulan Guritno was born in London, 14 April 1980, known as an artist and star models. Has starred in a number of soap operas, among them, KEEP IN LOVE, enticed, LOVE YOU, TWO HEARTS together, but also starred in a movie. Wulan itself is the former wife of Attila Syach celebrity stars, with blessed with one daughter from their marriage. Java mixed-blood women-English, then a relationship with the national car racer Ananda Mikola, but eventually their relationship apart. Gie movie star now, KEJAR JAKARTA, JONI'S PROMISE, NAGA BONAR JADI 2 and Auto ROMANTIC, this relationship with Adilla Dimitri. In the near future mothers of this would lead Shaloom wedding..........Click Here

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