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Sabtu, 10 April 2010

Blood Sugar Rise After Eating, Can trigger Heart

Beware increase in blood sugar after meals. This condition can lead to liver dysfunction that can lead to heart failure. For most people with diabetes, increased blood sugar levels after meals became a thing taken for granted, even if the numbers through the normal limit, ie 140 mg / dL. For them, the least normal baseline is the examination of blood sugar before eating and fasting blood sugar.

In fact, those who always have elevated levels of blood sugar should be vigilant. Section, high blood sugar after a meal will increase the formation of oxidative stress, namely free radicals which trigger blood vessel function disorder. This is the beginning stage of the journey of heart disease. Figures for the study of most experts in the world, shows that 84 percent of people with type 2 diabetes has increased above normal blood sugar after every meal.

The International Diabetes Federation (IDF) in Amsterdam, Netherlands recommends the latest results that emphasize the importance of watching the condition of diabetic patient's blood sugar after eating no more than 140 mg / dL at two hours after eating. While in healthy people, blood sugar condition has been arranged in such a way by the body, so that when blood sugar increases after eating, he will release the hormone insulin to drop him.

Plus, a rise in blood sugar after meals in normal people, will not exceed 140 mg / dL, and will go down in two hours afterwards because it is managed by the metabolism in the body. However, in diabetics, control of the body to increase blood sugar is very bad.

After eating, blood sugar will stay high up in a rather long period of time, this is because the body does not have enough insulin in charge of lowering blood sugar, or perhaps none at all produced insulin the pancreas organ. Symptoms of people with high blood sugar that tends to it is called diabetes.

Diabetes will not mean anything for the sufferer, until complications arise. Complications associated with diabetes include cardiovascular disease and stroke, renal failure until terminal kidney failure, visual impairment to blindness, gangrene in the feet until there is an amputation, and impotence that generally occurs in men.

These complications not only lowered the quality of life for people with diabetes, but also death threats. Not to mention the economic impact resulting from complications of diabetes care costs are likely to be high. "Complications of diabetes occurred in all organs in the body by flowing blood vessels small and large, the cause of death of 50 percent from coronary heart disease and 30 percent due to kidney failure. Besides mortality, diabetes also causes of disability. 30 percent of people with impaired vision due to diabetic complications retinopathies and 10 percent had to undergo leg amputations. In fact, diabetes kills more than HIV / AIDS. To prevent it, blood sugar before eating should always be controlled.

Blood sugar after meals is the main contributor to the formation of glikat hemoglobin values (HbA1c). Figures HbA1c reflects the average blood sugar level of patients during the last 2-3 months, so it can be likened to the quarterly report card evaluation. IDF recommends a target HbA1c values in patients with diabetes is 6.5 percent.

The higher the number of HbA1c, it means worse blood sugar trends in the last 2-3 months experienced by the patient. Results showed that lower HbA1c values, means reduce the risk of diabetic complications. HbA1c inspection can be conducted in laboratories or hospitals and clinics. Since long, HbA1c is considered a result of the combined value of fasting blood sugar value (before eating) and after meals. Therefore, it is very important for patients to maintain the value between the two. However, recent research shows that high blood sugar after meals (post-meal hyperglycemia) is an independent risk factor for cardiovascular complications. In fact, if the patient had a normal HbA1c value though.

Therefore the role of blood sugar after meals is important, the IDF has set a target guideline value of blood sugar two hours after meals to be directed always below 140 mg / dL. The role of blood glucose monitoring using blood sugar monitoring devices (eg, Accu-Chek from Roche) becomes very important, because the practicality of measuring patients' blood sugar quickly, whenever needed.

The presence of such devices is a revolution for the world of diabetes, because patients can now easily manage their own diabetes, and at the same time establishing a healthy lifestyle should be lived every patient with diabetes. Data "real-time" given this blood sugar monitoring devices, also help doctors in mengambilputusan therapy for patients. Therefore, information on trends in blood sugar is also an important basis for the physician in determining the dose and type of drugs needed.

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