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Minggu, 04 April 2010

Carefully Using Soy Supplements

Soy supplements to the diet is not effective in controlling blood sugar in older women at high risk or in the early stages of type 2 diabetes. The findings reported in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition is confirmed that compounds in soy protein and isoflavones (phytoestrogens) that are structurally similar to human estrogen, may help control blood sugar levels. But so far, some mild clinical trials have been done to reach different conclusions about whether the foods made from soy or soy protein supplements beneficial for diabetics (diabetasi).

For this latest study, researchers in Hong Kong to recruit 180 postmenopausal women, both who have been diagnosed with prediabetes (high blood sugar levels, but not high enough for the diagnosis of diabetes type 2) or who are in early stages of diabetes and have not started any treatment.

Liu Zhao-min and his colleagues at the Chinese University of Hong Kong women were randomly divided into three groups. The first group was asked to consume a supplement containing milk protein powder. The second group was asked to consume milk protein supplement plus soy isoflavones. And the third group were asked to consume soy protein supplements with isoflavones additional enhancements.

The three groups were asked to consume these supplements every morning, mixed into their drinks. After six months, Liu and his team found no clear benefit, either in supplements or supplements of milk plus soy isoflavones in women's blood sugar control or insulin levels (a hormone that regulates blood sugar).

One exception, the researchers write that there are effects of "slightly better" of soy supplementation on blood sugar levels woman, two hours after eating. However, they conclude, the findings do not support the theory that soy or isoflavone supplements beneficial overall blood sugar control in women as in research.

Supposedly, these findings are not seen as the final word on soy and diabetes, according to Liu and his team. They note that this is the first controlled clinical trial seems specifically designed to see the effects of soy supplements in people with prediabetes or type 2 diabetes early untreated.
He said, needed "additional studies based on more testing, using different soy, and phytoestrogens settings are ensured."

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