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Minggu, 20 Juni 2010

Tea and Coffee Good for Your Heart Health

One of the largest studies conducted in the Netherlands, recently proved that drinking tea and coffee have similar efficacy in reducing heart disease risk. The scientists found a second regularly consume these beverages can significantly reduce the risk of death from heart attack to a fifth.

And even more surprisingly, at the same time these drinks do not cause an increased risk of other diseases such as stroke.

"Our results suggest the benefits of coffee and tea beverages without increasing the risk of stroke or death caused by the disease," said Dr. Yvonne Van Der Schouw, chronic disease expert from University Medical Center Utrecht, Netherlands.

In his research Dr. Yvonne and her team saw the effects of consuming tea and coffee to the 37 514 participants. During 13 years, they watched the development of the participants to monitor heart disease and risk of death that may strike. They found that tea has a great effect against heart disease, but regular coffee drinkers also have the same benefits.

Participants who consumed 3-6 cups of tea a day, 45 percent less likely to experience heart problems than those who only consume less than one cup. These risks can be reduced even up to 36 percent in those who consume more than six cups of tea every day.

This also holds good news for coffee lovers. Research shows, consume 2-4 cups of coffee a day may reduce the risk of heart maslaah up to 20 percent. The researcher who has published his findings in arteriosclerosis, thrombosis, and Vascular Biology: Journal of the American Heart Association, the belief of this health benefits derived from antioxidants contained in both types of beverages, where these substances can reduce free radicals that damage the body.

This is a recent study that found an association health benefits from two types of beverages that became a favorite of this world community. Having previously claimed that the tea and coffee can reduce the risk of some cancers, diabetes, stress and even acne. However, the two drinks was also associated with increasing risk of cancer, blood pressure and arthitis ringgi.

"This study adds new evidence that the consumption of coffee and tea is not harmful for most people and can even reduce the increased risk of heart disease and death," says Ellen Mason, Senior Cardiac Nurse at the British Heart Foundation.

Nevertheless Ellen reminded that living a healthy lifestyle is paramount if you want your heart is always in better condition. Drinking coffee and smoking cigarettes will not provide such positive benefits. Similarly, if you drink cups of tea in front of the television for hours without exercise. This would not be able to protect your heart.

Tiens Product Related this articles :
1. Jiang Zhi Tea/Antilipemic Tea
2. Cordy cafe, Cordyceps sinensis Coffee

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