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Minggu, 25 Juli 2010

Women Memory Sharp Than Men

Women's memories were more superior than men. Scientists at Cambridge University have found evidence that female brains are better able to remember information than men. They successfully demonstrated the clear relationship between several factors such as gender, education level and memory function.

This finding is believed to help scientists to better understand the causes of Alzheimer's disease (AD), and dementia as well as potentially detecting early signs of dementia more accurately.

In these studies, a number of memory tests conducted on about 4500 men and women in East Anglia. Then, researchers assessed the cognitive and physical performance of each participant who is aged between 48-90 years. Early results give strong indication that the memory function better women than men, where women make an average of 5.9 fewer errors on certain memory tests than men. This difference remained unchanged despite of age.

"Although the relationship between gender, education and cognitive function have been explored before, but this large data provide strong evidence that these factors play an important role in determining how well our memory function as age increases," said Dr. Andrew Blackwell, Chief Scientist Officer at Cambridge Cognition and Honorary Visiting Research Associate in the University of Cambridge Department of Psychiatry.

Dr further. Andrew argues, before a body of scientific literature has shown that women are usually better on tests of verbal function than men. Conversely, men were more likely to outperform women in every spatial function test. "However, in this study, we use a measure of spatial memory and girls consistently outperform boys. There are many possible explanations that relate to this, including the neurobiological and environmental differences," he added, as quoted from the Telegraph.

For the final study, the researchers plan to analyze its approximately 10,000 participants.
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