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Kamis, 21 Juli 2011

Important Supplements for Women at the Top Age 40

After entering the age of 40 years, women will generally be very susceptible to disease. Minor health problems can be a big threat even if not immediately addressed.

However, you need not worry. Because the intake of supplements and eating enough nutritious food that will make your life a lot healthier. Here is a dietary supplement that is suitable for women aged over 40 years:

1. Multivitamins

* Facts and benefits: Multivitamins, as the name suggests, is a combination of various vitamins including B1, B2, B3, C, and others. Eating a number of vitamins good for women because it can reduce the risk of osteoporosis, improve immune function, and thus avoid women from various health problems, such as breast cancer. Multivitamins can prevent a woman from heart disease and colon cancer.

2. Calcium

* Facts and benefits: Calcium is essential in the formation of bones, muscles and teeth. Calcium is also used for nerve conduction, blood clotting and muscle contraction. When low levels of calcium in the blood, the system in the body will draw the necessary calcium from the bones. If calcium is not sufficiently met, the bones become weak and osteoporosis occur that would eventually become a serious problem for women or anyone.

* Dosage recommendations: The recommended dosage for menopausal women is 1200-1500 mg of calcium every day, according to a University of Michigan Health System.

* Sources: Natural sources of calcium can be found in dairy products like milk, cheese, yogurt or broccoli, salmon, tofu, and almonds.

3. Vitamin D

* Facts and benefits: Vitamin D helps us to prevent broken bones and helps calcium reabsorption thereby protecting you from multiple sclerosis and breast cancer.

* Recommended Dosage: The recommended dose is 800-1000 IU of vitamin D every day.

* Source: The body makes vitamin D when exposed to sunlight. Other natural sources are egg yolks, liver, fish, and fortified milk.

4. Fish oil

* Facts and benefits: Fish oil is another supplement that is required of every woman aged over 40 years to keep the heart healthy.

Women who have lived will generally decrease the hormone estrogen in postmenopausal period. As a result, the heart they did not get the protection as ever before. Fish oil can provide extra protection is needed so that it will reduce the risk of heart attacks and reduce the risk of breast cancer. Fish oil contains DHA and EPA (omega-3 fatty acids) is good for the heart and brain.

* Dosage recommendations: The recommended dosage for fish oil is 600 mg a day.

5. Soy Isoflavones

* Facts and benefits: Isoflavones are a natural hormone derived from plants. isoflavones which help preserve bone density thus preventing bone loss. Recent studies have found that these hormones can reduce hot flushes and other menopausal symptoms.

In fact, isoflavones can inhibit the growth of cells that are responsible for clogging arteries, thereby reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease. Women can be regarded as the backbone of the family. When they are healthy, the life of a family will run like a well oiled machine. Therefore, it is important for a woman to maintain her health. Do not let your health taken away!

Source : Lifemojo

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