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Kamis, 30 Juli 2009

Sexy Beauty Agnes Monica

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Agnes Monica Muljoto (born Jakarta, 1 July 1986) is an actress and a talented Indonesian singer famous mainly because the play in sinetron Early Singles (2001-2003) is shown in RCTI. Sinetron In this he plays a teenage girl who is still sitting in the high school and pregnant outside of marriage. Besides, he himself who sing the theme song Early Marriage........Click Here

Bella Saphira Sexy Beauty

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Bella Saphira was the Magelang birth woman on August 6 1973 that was involved in the world of entertainment in the homeland as the singer and the film actress. He was religious Protestan and had North Sumatran blood from his parents. He had also wrestled in the world modelling. In the Italia language, Bella was significantly pretty, while Saphira taken from the sapphire stone. ...Click Here

Minggu, 26 Juli 2009

Breast Cancer Recovery

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I was detected to have a breast cancer in the end of year 2000. The doctor advised that I shoul have an operation because my limph gland has burst out of my breast. I had my parents change my clothes for couple of times in one day. Consequently, I had not been able to do my activities for six months. The worst, I had to have a bed rest as I was incapable of doing anything.

I had an awful bleeding that my operation was postponed. The doctor suggested that i had better have the operation after bleeding stooped. Therefore, my mom decided to take me to the traditional medical trearment.

One day, I had a call from my friend. She offered me Tiens' products from China which can be healed my cancer. My mom asked me to try. Thanks God, my health was getting better since I consumed Nutrient High Calcium Powder and Vigor Rousing Capsules. The lymph gland started to dry step by step. I still consume the products till now and I even take other Tiens's products such as Cordyceps, Beneficial, Chitosan and Zinc. My family and I are so grateful. I have totally recovered; thus i am able to do my activities as usual.

Testimonial from Riana Siva Agustina, SS (Bandung, Indonesia)
Taken from Power of Tiens magazine

Minggu, 19 Juli 2009

Jelly Beans Can Reduce Risk Diabetes Type 2 for Women

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Beans that have great benefits for the health body. According to research in the United States, consume nuts or peanut butter can help reduce the risk of heart attack in women who contract the disease miletus type 2 diabetes. Research is carried out on more than 6,000 women found that women who consume nuts or peanut butter to decrease the risk of infected nearly half of heart attack. As is known, miletus type 2 diabetes can cause complications such as damage to various blood vessel and nerves, impotence, heart disease, stroke and blindness.

In research, the respondents are asked to fill out questionnaires about the type of food consumed every 2-4 years during the period 1980-2002. Women who consume at the beginning of the research and peanut peanut butter appear more physically healthy and less likely to smoke. After adjust these factors to the results of research, experts found that women who consume at least 5 portions nuts or peanut butter each week decreased the risk of infected liver disease, heart attack and stroke up to 44 percent. One portion is about 28g or 16g nuts (one tablespoon) peanut butter.

One of the researchers from Havard Medical School and Harvard School of Public Health in Boston, said, "This data revealed the frequency of consuming nuts or peanut butter is associated with reduced risk of CVD significantly in women who are suffering from type 2 diabetes." However, please note that the nuts contain a lot of most of the sugar and salt. It is a good idea to check before you label packaged products, because the fetus may reduce the benefits of nuts in reducing the risk of disease miletus type 2 diabetes. The nuts are also high calorie akan, without excessive mengkonsumsinya with the pattern followed by the right diet will not provide the means for the difference in your health.


Tiens Product For Diabetes :
1. Hyperglycemia High Calcium Powder
2. Chitosan Capsules
3. Muncord Capsules
