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Minggu, 26 Juli 2009

Breast Cancer Recovery

I was detected to have a breast cancer in the end of year 2000. The doctor advised that I shoul have an operation because my limph gland has burst out of my breast. I had my parents change my clothes for couple of times in one day. Consequently, I had not been able to do my activities for six months. The worst, I had to have a bed rest as I was incapable of doing anything.

I had an awful bleeding that my operation was postponed. The doctor suggested that i had better have the operation after bleeding stooped. Therefore, my mom decided to take me to the traditional medical trearment.

One day, I had a call from my friend. She offered me Tiens' products from China which can be healed my cancer. My mom asked me to try. Thanks God, my health was getting better since I consumed Nutrient High Calcium Powder and Vigor Rousing Capsules. The lymph gland started to dry step by step. I still consume the products till now and I even take other Tiens's products such as Cordyceps, Beneficial, Chitosan and Zinc. My family and I are so grateful. I have totally recovered; thus i am able to do my activities as usual.

Testimonial from Riana Siva Agustina, SS (Bandung, Indonesia)
Taken from Power of Tiens magazine

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