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Selasa, 23 Februari 2010

Cinta Laura

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Laura Love is a soap star birth Quakenbruck, Germany, August 17, 1993. Laura Love has a full name is Cinta Laura Kiehl began his career in the entertainment world as a finalist Indonesia Top Model 2006. One of the jury selection event is Sanjay Maulani, a casting director at MD Entertainment. Love was immediately offered a soap opera playing. Daughter of the couple and Herdiana Michael Kiehl, SH was finally accepted an offer to become the main star in the soap opera production CINDERELLA MD Entertainment........Click Here

Sabtu, 13 Februari 2010

'VALENTINE'S DAY', When Love Over The Earth

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Since centuries, dated February 14 was always celebrated as a day of love. People call it Valentine's Day. With a variety of ways people then try to connect this special day with some affection to the lover or the friends and family. Without the conscious, behind this special day there is a perceived burden of the people at February 14, getting closer. As February 14, the closer, people started to prepare themselves for making this day so special. They do not want this one day of missed just like a typical day and during the short time it started getting a load on his shoulders even heavier. At least that is experienced by the residents of Los Angeles depicted in this film.

There was a soldier who deliberately took leave to return home from duty in Iraq while at the same time Holden Bristow (Bradley Cooper) is also preparing to celebrate Valentine's Day with his gay partner. Reed Bennett (Ashton Kutcher) on the other side wants to take advantage of this special day to apply for his girlfriend, Morley Clarkson (Jessica Alba), but he finally realized that the real Julia Berlison (Jennifer Garner) is the woman he loved for so long. Estelle (Shirley MacLaine), after a long kept secret, finally decided to tell him that years ago he had an affair while Yakksi Kara (Jessica Biel) to Valentine's Day was also getting closer to finding a date.

There are two interesting things from the film is VALENTINE'S DAY. First, because the title was so specific, if the film is still relevant after the date of February 14 later? Second, because so many stars are placed in this film, what does this mean another film production had to stop because almost all the stars had to shoot this film? Apart from that, this movie was not giving anything other than a row of big names who were his supporters. Too much plot in this movie. Films with this concept is interesting. Look at CRASH if you do not believe. The problem is to draw on so many stories with each character is not an easy task. Few have failed then the risk becomes very large. If the script is not strong enough and the screen time the character is not long enough so that people will not be a character that has a dimension intact.

Red thread between each character and each of these plots should also be strong enough so that there is a unified story with the message of the director. If not then the idea will never conveyed. It will be more effective if the film breaks into several romantic comedies, and may be the result even more good will.

Kamis, 11 Februari 2010

'Percy Jackson & The Olympians: The Lightning Thief'

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Percy Jackson (Logan Lerman) initially did not know he was a descendant of the ancient Greek gods. He just knew after the gods and monsters of Greek mythology that suddenly came out of Percy's book and realize themselves. Unfortunately, this news is not good news for Percy because of Zeus's lightning (Sean Bean) and Percy are missing the main defendant.

The loss of this Zeus lightning create rippled throughout Olympia and the gods in the sky that threatened war with each other clear result is the destruction of the universe. No one can prevent this war unless Percy managed to find the lightning of Zeus and prove that he was not a thief as charged.

Before a solution is found, Percy must face a new problem. Percy's mother, Sally Jackson (Catherine Keener) suddenly disappeared. As a descendant of the god Poseidon (Kevin McKidd), Percy clearly has supernatural powers but to carry this heavy mission, Percy certainly will not be able to. Fortunately there is Annabeth Chase (Alexandra Daddario) and Grover Underwood (Brandon T. Jackson) who also is a descendant of the gods who are ready to help Percy.

Many times people in the Hollywood movie industry tries to shift the popularity of Harry Potter, but so far no one seems able to accomplish a nearly impossible mission of this. Can not be denied if Harry Potter had become a standard fantasy-themed movies like this and try to keep up Harry Potter's got a fairly high risk because if failed, as in the case of THE SPIDERWICK CHRONICLES it was possible to finish a sequel.

We heard the news that the film was too long, will directed by Chris Columbus, the question arises, 'Is this Harry Potter' will really fall? " How not, Chris Columbus was the man who gave birth to the birth of the first two Harry Potter films and make adaptation of JK Rowling's novel was so have a bright future. The answer is still the same in previous cases. Harry Potter is still undefeated.

Frankly, Percy JACKSON & THE OLYMPIANS: THE LIGHTNING THIEF is a big potential. The first film stir to mix between real life with Greek mythology that in fact is already very familiar with movie fans. Second, the casting of this film is right, too. Logan Lerman as the main actor is still able to compensate for the game Pierce Brosnan, Sean Bean, and Uma Thurman who was playing nicely in this film.

Unfortunately it seems the script is less 'tight'. There are still some gaps that make the characters appear so feels less solid. As family entertainment, Percy JACKSON & THE OLYMPIANS: THE LIGHTNING THIEF is still fit but it seems to get through the boundaries as the Harry Potter seems to still need to work harder.

Senin, 08 Februari 2010

Softdrink Increase the Risk of Pancreatic Cancer

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Stop your habit who like to consume soft drinks to excess, if it does not want to pancreatic cancer. Research says people who consume two or more soft drinks a week, two times greater risk of pancreatic cancer. Researchers found a correlation between sweet drinks with cancer. They believe that the high sugar content in soft drinks can increase insulin levels in the body. That is why they are so more susceptible to this deadly disease.

Dr Mark Pereira, one of the researchers from the University of Minnesota, claiming that people who consume soft drinks regularly, eating patterns tend to have worse overall. "The high level of sugar in soft drinks can increase insulin levels in the body, which we consider to contribute to the growth of pancreatic cancer cells," says Dr Pereira. Although relatively rare, but pancreatic cancer is one of the most deadly disease and only five percent of those diagnosed, can survive up to five years into the future. In a study conducted for 14 years, Dr. Pereira and his colleagues involving approximately 60,524 men and women in the Singapore Chinese Health Study. During that time period, found as many as 140 cases of pancreatic cancer in the participants. Participants who consumed two or more soft drinks per week (an average of five per week), 87 percent increased risk compared with individuals who do not consume soft drinks. But researchers found no association between fruit juice consumption with pancreatic cancer.

Dr Pereira was convinced that the findings published in the journal Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention can also be applicable to all western countries. "Singapore is a prosperous country with health care very well. And also the favorites for eating and shopping, so the findings can be applied in western countries the other," he said.

Meanwhile, from the Yale School of Public Health, Professor Susan Mayne, gave his response about the results of this research. He said the results of this study interesting but has some major limitations that must be considered in any interpretation. "Although this study found the risk, the findings were based on the number of cases is relatively small and still not clear whether it is a causal association or not," said Professor Susan Mayne. "Soft drinks are consumed in Singapore is associated with several adverse health behaviors such as smoking and intake of red meat, which we can not control accurately," he added. Previous studies have linked pancreatic cancer with red meat, especially meat baked or blackened. Pancreatic cancer is one of the most lethal cancers, with 230 thousand cases globally. In the United States, 37,680 people diagnosed with pancreatic cancer within a year and 34,290 people die because of it.

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